A world nourished by nature
Nature Therapy CIC
Older people
Events 2024
Community Lottery Workshops
Pop up Dementia Theatre
Please see below a short video clip and the pop up dementia theatre survey.
Communicate through the senses and discover a new language
Pop Up Dementia Theatre Survey
Indicates required field
Have you taken part in a pop up dementia theatre?
No - if no then this survey is not relevant
If you have not experienced a pop up dementia theatre session then please contact us for dates and places you can
If Yes please specify when and where:
What is your age?
Less than 13
Over 50
What have you done differently since your pop up experience?
Educated Professionals
Informed family and friends
Changed someting in the environment
Changed what I do
Changed what others do
Have not used the information
Informed a wider audience
Other (please specify below)
Please include all that apply
Please can you give us more detail on what you have done
Has your pop up experience helped improve the life of someone with dementia?
Not sure
Choose one from the drop down box
If your answer is not sure - can you explain why you are not sure?
If you are not sure, your answer may help us improve the pop up theatre
If your answer is Yes it has improved the life of someone with dementia - tell us in what way your pop up experience helped them
Less agitation
Better Sleep
Better enjoyment of nature
Improved communication as shown through body language
Observed to take more pleasure in life
Other (please specify below)
Please include all that apply
If Yes please tell us a bit more about any improvement
Has the pop up theatre helped you personally
Less stressed
Communicate better
Think Sense
Better sleep
Increased pleasure from nature
Get outside more
Other (please specify)
Has not made a difference
Please tick all that apply
Please tell us more about this
Would you like to be considered for the accredited training in Nature Therapy and Dementia Care ?
If you are happy for us to contact you further to help us understand how we can improve the pop up theatre experience then please leave your email and contact details below. We will not pass your contact details on to anyone else nor will we send you unsolicited emails. Thank you for your help. Email
Phone Number