Nature Therapy and Children |
Around 21% of children in the UK today have a need for additional support at any one time.
This could be due to a medical condition such as Autism, Aspergers, Tourettes or ADHD, or it could be through trauma, such as domestic or sexual abuse. More recently we have been working with children who process sensory information at a deep level (highly sensitive). These are the two million children that are most likely to experience intimidation, bullying and social isolation because they are seen to be 'different' in some way. Nature Therapy CIC worked with children and their families to co- design a pop up sensory theatre and mapping tool. The aim is for children to understand they are all unique - everyone is different in some way. Used together, the pop up theatre and sensory mapping tool create the Kindness programme. This programme aims to build resilience, reduce bullying and enhance acts of kindness. The Kindness programme provides hands on and fun nature experiences that help children understand that each one of us is different and unique in how we sense the world around us. For an insight into our work please click on the following link to see BBC footage of the sensory theatre being used to deliver the Kindness Programme. |
Sensory TheatreThis is is an innovative, hands on and fun way for children with additional needs, and their carers, to learn more about a child’s individual and unique way of being
Even identical twins do not sense the world in the same way. Sensory based work has been found to lift mood, build resilience, enhance self-esteem, improve emotional literacy, enhance social skills and networks, and build engagement in children with alternative ways of being. It was through our work on the sensory theatre that the schools based Kindness programme was developed to help minimise bullying. Use of the sensory theatre is included in the Kindness Programme or it can be used as a stand alone resource for children with additional needs. The pop up theatre is available for use at conferences, schools and educational workshops |
Kindness ProgrammeThe Kindness Programme is a whole school approach to building compassion in children.
It helps individual children develop resilience through enhancing their school environment so they do not feel 'different' in any way. Through hands on experiential learning techniques, all the pupils are given insight into the fact that we all have our own unique and special way of being. No two individuals are the same. To experience the world through someone else's senses is the basis of empathy. We are delighted to offer you the opportunity to obtain your own Kindness Sense Box for free when you attend a one day training course The Sense Box comes complete with all the resources you require to set up a Kindness programme in your school or youth group |
We are particularly interested in exploring how nature therapy can help children and young people develop a more empathic approach to each other and enhance their personal self image.
We measured impact of our work on acts of kindness, resilience, social isolation, and quality of life.
Our research into the impact on Self Esteem of the Kindness Programme with over 700 children found that children as young as 7 years old can perceive themselves as 'failures'.
The good news is that taking part in the Kindness programme demonstrated a significant improvement in their self esteem and overall feelings of failure.
We measured impact of our work on acts of kindness, resilience, social isolation, and quality of life.
Our research into the impact on Self Esteem of the Kindness Programme with over 700 children found that children as young as 7 years old can perceive themselves as 'failures'.
The good news is that taking part in the Kindness programme demonstrated a significant improvement in their self esteem and overall feelings of failure.