Didgeridoo 80 cms
Features the vibrant dot design art that is so well known from the aboriginal cultures of Australia.
Bamboo grows quickly, requires no irrigation, pesticides or fertilisers, sequesters carbon, and inhibits soil erosion, making it one of the most sustainable materials there is for craft production.
Length 80cm
Made in Bali, Indonesia
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How to play a didgeridoo:
Blow down the tube with loose lips creating a vibration that echoes down the tube coming out amplified as a drone. It is important to stay relaxed, trying too hard will tighten your muscles which contradicts the need to create loose lips and face. Buzz your lips while gently pushing air down the tube. The lip vibration is similar to giving someone a "raspberry". It can help to stick your bottom lip out a little more than the top lip. To improve the tonal quality of the drone it is important to try to tighten your lips a little after the drone is started, this will increase the pitch and really get the didgeridoo going! If you tighten up too much the drone will abruptly stop and you get a sound which sounds like you’ve ran out of breath. As soon as possible start limiting the amount of air you use up. You only need enough air to vibrate the lips, this is what creates the noise. The toughest part of didgeridoo playing is learning to circular breathe. Circular breathing allows a player to be able to continually blow air down the didgeridoo without ever stopping for breath.
Please note this item is the smaller didge in the picture.